👋 Thanks for visiting 😁
I'm Manas Saha Roy
If you are wondering why "Lone wolf", I mostly like to work on my own. Though I am a good team player. I'm an ambivert.
Back in 2020, during the COVID situation, I was exploring some new things to do. At that time I found interest in web development. I was actively working on some robotics projects, so logical programming was a fun experience for me. I started to follow some tutorials and learn more about web development.
My main focus is to build products and lead small projects. Along with that I'm interested in DevOps and cloud engineering. So I'm planning to deep dive into one of these.
Skill set and technologies I know:
My current activity
Want to know about this site?
Sure! Let's breakdown the technologies by telling you the story behind this site:
I was designing this whole site in figma. But it was taking way too long. So I thought I would make a base design with color schemes and font styles. Then I designed all the sections for each page.
After that I was so confused on selecting the UI library. I explored NextUI, shadcn/ui, Material tailwind, Material UI and some more. I found shadcn/ui most clean and minimal for me as everything was in there but with less abstraction. But for my site I have chosen NextUI. This has some great components with animations included. As the design of my site was pretty similar to NextUI components, I decided to go with it.
Then for the backend I chose Firebase. My primary goal was to have a dynamic portfolio site but I dont want spend $$$ on this right now (yes I'm poor 🫠). Considering my requirements, I chose Firebase with Nextjs. Combining Next.js with Firebase and hosting on Vercel takes advantage of serverless technologies, providing scalability, cost-efficiency, and ease of deployment.
In short, the whole site is built with Next.js using Tailwind and NextUI for the design and firebase as the database. Hosted on Vercel and Cloudeflare for CDN and DNS management.